Game – Oshilove

And here’s another game I got this month. The full title is Oshi no love yori koi no love. I forgot that it’s got simultaneous translated release and apparently it’s well received at steam. The translated title is pretty… interesting. Oh and this packaged edition also contain all the translations so that’s nice. None of the download editions seems to be DRM-free so Steam + Denpasoft patch is probably your best bet for worry free plays. Or just get someone to fetch and rip the package edition from Japan.

I bought this one from Getchu which includes tapestry bonus in addition to the bundled tapestry inside the box. I’m still not sure if I want to keep the tapestries as I didn’t get this game because of the illustrator but because the director was from Tinkle Position as I mentioned before. Also both tapestries are all ages.

The one from Getchu is a landscape tapestry, with thin pipes which means it’ll bend when hanged up. And the material is the usual thin one. The print is mostly fine if not a bit lacking in resolution. Also the analog style drawing is pretty visible. Note that I don’t know if it’s actually analog or even if I’m using the correct term.

As for the bundled tapestry, it’s using nice double suede material. The resolution also seems a bit higher though it could be better. Lastly, the included hanging string is a bit too thick for the included thin pipes, especially for the joint.

Lastly, based on my quick check, the included voice drama is all ages.