Digest Vol. 57 – On Holiday

Managed to finish common route of Sakura no Uta. It was pretty good and felt like one complete story on its own. As planned, currently on Makoto’s route (I think). As Monday is holiday, I hope I can make some good progress on this.

At current rate, projected completion time is a bit over four weeks. I’m getting hang of the writing style though so hopefully I can finish it faster (naaaaah). Looking at queue, Rorolog is up next, followed by Moteyaba. I sure am slow this year.

Budget-wise I think I’m almost safe. Still need to reduce number of covers I’m getting next month. Artist line-up on Denkigai has been announced as well and from the look of it I’ll probably be getting stuff from five or six companies. Not sure about T-shirt (probably not) and the mysterious goods (depending on what it is).

I’m dropping Amatsutsumi after all. Good for my wallet. Hopefully I don’t do a 180 sometime later like Chrono Clock. Quite unlikely though.

Here is the list for Denkigai:

  • Saga Planets (Hontani Kanae)
  • Hearts / Amuse Craft (Shiromochi Sakura)
  • Hiqo Soft (Hiide)
  • feng (Ryohka)
  • cura (Lose)
  • Whirlpool (R-Ken) / depends on the illustration
  • Alcot (Shiraichigo) / probably not

May or may not change.

As for hug pillow cover, current plan includes:

  • Lunaris Filia – Filia
  • Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous – Mikan
  • Yomeyaba – Nanaka
  • Mamiya – Moeri
  • Kujiragami no Tearstilla – Mitsuki / …seriously, I’ll just grab it already =| (has been on my list forever) …or maybe not. Ha ha ha <_<a
  • Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm – Rika / probably not now (again)
  • Dal Segno – Ame / still not sure, at worst will just grab at later event
  • Natsu Iro Kokoro Log – Kuon / not sure as well
  • moco chouchou’s original / or maaaaybe not this time either

That’s quite a lot and honestly speaking I shouldn’t be doing this. First four are 100% whereas the rest depends on where wind blows…

For green finance next month! Yes, I’m still yellow this month ;_;


New Stuff

tapestry: Melonbooks - Uribou Zakkaten / Mikagami Mamizu

Originally hoped to be able to take this and the ero version together but it only arrived today for store pickup and I don’t go anywhere on weekend. Melonbooks’ monthly Uribou Zakkaten series, original character illustrated by Mikagami Mamizu. Material is usual double suede.

hug pillow cover: Natsu Iro Kokoro Log - Rin & Rin

Hug pillow cover of Rin and Rin from Rorolog. This makes three from this series (well, the second one won’t arrive until end of September). At this rate I might as well grab Kuon’s as well for completeness \o/

audio: Natsu Iro Kokoro Log - Rin & Rin

And the bundled voice drama. Two tracks, one contains actual intercourse. Similar to previous voice dramas, almost no dirty words were used.

tapestry: Melonbooks - 2014 Spring / Toranosuke

Old tapestry from Melonbooks point exchange 2014 illustrated by Toranosuke. Found in Suruga-Ya for cheap-ish. Double suede.

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